Welcome to Shoreham, Vermont
Located on the shores of Lake Champlain, the Town of Shoreham was established in 1791. Among the dairy farms and apple orchards is a tight-knit community that is proud of its history, invested in its future, and welcoming to all.
Town Office
Hours of Operation
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Wednesday - 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Closed Fridays
Contact Information
297 Main Street
Shoreham, VT 05770
(802) 897-5841 [ph.]
(802) 897-2545 [fax]
Laura Siebecker, Town Clerk
Carol Murphy, Treasurer
News & Announcements
Shoreham Doolittle Road Culvert Replacement Project TAP TA24(18)
Local Concerns Meeting and Alternatives Presentation
Notice is hereby given that the Town of Shoreham Selectboard will hold a special public meeting prior to the scheduled Selectboard meeting on APRIL 9, 2025, at 6:30 PM at the Shoreham Town Office (297 Main Street, Shoreham, Vermont 05770).
Topic of discussion will be:
VTrans Grant Award for the replacement of a hydraulically insufficient 15-foot span open bottom corrugated metal arch culvert approximately 0.3 miles east of VT-22A on Doolittle Road in Shoreham Vermont.
This will be the first Public Meeting to explain the project development process, obtain input on the project purpose and need statement, concerns regarding traffic, project duration, and environmental impacts and to present potential alternatives for replacement structure. Based on local input a project purpose and need statement and preferred alternative will be identified.
Meetings are held in person with options to Zoom or phone in.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 0883 8117
Passcode: 883235
(646) 931-3860 (US)
(929) 205-6099 (New York)
(301) 715-8592 (Washington DC)
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kelP5PzjGF
Trash & Recycling Collection
Now Operated by
Many thanks to the volunteers and Town employees who helped with our DIY Trash Collection!

Saturdays, 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Town Parking Lot
(Behind Shoreham Congregational Church)
$ 6
$ 8
$ 10
$ 3
$ 1
Small bag (“Household” size - around 13 gallons)
Medium bag (“Big black bag” size - around 30 gallons)
Large bag (“Contractor” size - around 50+ gallons)
With Trash Collection
Per blue bin
1-gallon pail